Faculty Tenure & Promotion Information

Timeline for Promotion and Tenure Application Process
June 1
  • UFCD receives official tenure-eligible list from Provost Office.
  • List of nominees for tenure and/or promotion from department chairs submitted to the Dean’s Office.
  • Department administrator enters candidate information via the online P&T system.
  • Candidate’s preliminary packet sent to Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and HR for technical/formatting review (jriley@dental.ufl.edu & cperez@dental.ufl.edu) in preparation for solicitation of external letters of evaluation -refer to Solicitation of Letters of Evaluation
July 1
  • Candidate elects to waive/not waive rights to review external letters of evaluation via online system.
July 7
  • Department chairs send out letters reviewed by the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs to solicit External Reviewers (refer to “Solicitation of Letters” procedures and “Sample Letter“)
  • Minimum of five external letters of evaluation must be requested and received (three should be selected from the candidate’s list).
August 2
  • Electronic P&T Packets due in the Dean’s Office (cperez@dental.ufl.edu), for technical/formatting review by HR and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs prior to uploading document via online system.
August 20
  • External Reviewers’ letters received by department chair. This will be periodically monitored by the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs.
  • Department administrator adds department review committee members via online system.
September 10
  • Candidate works with HR and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs to upload final packet* into online system.*Any modifications to packet will be submitted in section #34-Further Information.
September 13–October 8
  • Departmental meeting, review and vote
  • Department administrator uploads department vote and department chair letter via online system
October 11–December 10
  • UFCD P&T Advisory Committee packet review and assessment period through the online system.
December 17
  • UFCD P&T Advisory Committee recommendations due to dean.
  • College administrator uploads UFCD P&T Advisory Committee vote and dean’s letter via online system.
  • Packets submitted to the Academic Personnel Office via online system
  • Academic Personnel Board meets.
  • Academic Personnel Board—denial and deferral process.
  • President of the University notifies Deans of his decision on nominees’ applications.

Mid-Cycle Review

The mid-cycle/career review process for tenure-accruing and non-tenure accruing faculty in the College of Dentistry will occur three years after hire or promotion. The review process will be used to formally advise the faculty member on progress toward tenure/promotion and recommend courses of action for improvement, if necessary.

UFCD Mid-Cycle Review Guidelines

Timeline for UFCD Mid-Cycle Review of Faculty
May 1
  • Eligible faculty for mid-cycle review and department chairs are provided instructions from the dean’s office.
  • Candidates for mid-cycle review shall complete the Promotion and Tenure Packet Template in consultation with the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and College HR Office. This can be accessed in MyUFL-My Self Service-UF Faculty-Promotion and Tenure-Promotion & Tenure Packet-Packet Template.
  • The following items should be omitted from the template: #1, 7, 8, 24, 29, 30, 31, & 32. These items are only used for faculty who are being considered for promotion and/or tenure. The candidate can remove packet instructions, modify the template font, margins etc. as long as the numbering and information is consistent with the template.
  • If the faculty member would like to have the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and HR review their mid-cycle review packet and provide feedback prior to chair and P&T review, a draft packet will need to be sent to cperez@dental.ufl.edu by June 29.
August 2
  • Mid-cycle review packets due to department chair.
August 3-
September 3
  • The department chair and appropriate faculty (same rank or higher) in the department will review the candidate’s progress. The department chair can request a meeting of appropriate departmental faculty to review the candidate’s mid-cycle/career packet. The department chair will provide a written summary of the candidate’s progress.
September 3
  • The department chair’s letter and electronic mid-cycle Promotion and Tenure Packet is due to the UFCD P&T Advisory Committee (cperez@dental.ufl.edu, Dean’s Office)
  • The UFCD P&T Advisory Committee evaluates the candidate’s career progress in conjunction with the chair’s evaluation. The UFCD P&T Advisory Committee prepares a summary of the career progress of each candidate
October –November
  • The summary of progress/recommendation of the UFCD P&T Advisory Committee is communicated to the candidate, department chair and dean.

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